
Mr Anthony Davenport

Chair of Governors

I have had the pleasure of being part of the governing body of White Hall Academy and the predecessor school since 2007. Previously I was an ex pupil of London Road County Primary School and later Coppins Green Primary School. I am in my third term of office as a governor at White Hall Academy and am also an Associate Director of Learning Pathways Trust.
I have worked in Education for nearly 20 years in the Tendring area, and also tutor union courses for the largest teaching union in the UK in London Birmingham, Surrey, and Suffolk.
I have two very young children who keep me alert at all times. Outside of my work I play golf (consistently inconsistently) and try to go for as many walks in the countryside near my home as possible.
One of the many successes of White Hall is the very close links with Lyons Hall Academy and our trust sponsor, Learning Pathways. It is those links which have ensured the success of this academy, our partners schools in the trust, and the trust itself.

Our other governors are:
Dr Sarah Alix

Vice Chair

As a Governor at White Hall Academy I have had many previous links to the school. I have worked as a primary school teacher and completed my training on this site, also working at the school teaching Year 6 many years ago. I have worked as a school behaviour advisor with 16 primary schools in Essex, and I worked at a University as a Deputy Head of Department of Education. I now work locally within Teacher Training. I have 3 children and the youngest previously attended White Hall Academy. I am really interested in supporting LAC, SEND, and staff development, and I have completed a Doctorate of Education in this area, amongst other qualifications such as a PGCert in Autism Spectrum Conditions.

Mrs Ellie Eames

Head of White Hall Academy

Mr Kim Kitchener


Mr Guiliano La Penna


Mr Andrew Smith

Executive Head of White Hall Academy

Mrs Fionna Swift

My name is Fionna Swift and I was appointed Staff Governor on November 2015. I have been involved with the school for over 19 years, first as a Teaching Assistant then progressing on to take my Teaching Degree to become a Class Teacher at White Hall Academy. I am currently teaching year 6 and coordinate RE for the school. I also take part in extra curricula activities and run a Maths Club after school.

I am a local resident of the area and have been so for over 20 years. My own children were educated here (Coppins Green) and now my grandchildren attend this school. I feel I am able to bring a wealth of experience to the governing body and the children.

If you wist to contact the Governors, please write a letter for the attention of the Chair of Governors and either post it to us or leave it at reception. Alternatively you can call us on 01255 422825 and leave a message for the Chair of Governors.

Mr Dan Twyman

Starting his career in East London, Dan has worked as a senior leader in schools throughout the West Clacton area (including White Hall Academy) for over 25 years. He is now retired but still involved as a Trust Advisor, and is a governor at two other schools. Dan attended Essex University where he studied art. He enjoys outdoor activities and travelling. He has three children who were all educated locally.

Mrs Lisa Webb


Ms Elizabeth Wells


Please click on the link below for the Governing Body Register 2023-2024