Aims and Values

White Hall Academy is an inspirational academy seeking to transform the lives of children and families in the community it serves. High academic standards will be at the forefront but this will go hand in hand with a commitment to the development of the whole child. This will be achieved through the following vision statement which has been developed in consultation with parent groups, staff, pupils and governors.

Successful and aspirational learning:

  • Personalised learning provision that actively engages all pupils, offering a sense of fulfilment, enjoyment and challenge and ensuring success for all.
  • Active learning in which there are rich opportunities for learning outisde the classroom, engaging with nature and the wider community.
  • Pupil invovlement in learning with a strong focus on learning to learn and responsiveness to different learning preferences.
  • High expectations for learning and behaviour which are manifest in a strong ethos of mutual respect from, and for, all members of the school and wider community.
  • A whole school learning community which promotes lifelong learning for all and expects all members to make strong, positive contributions to the local and wider community.
  • Professional develoment which nurtures the strengths, interests and talents of all staff and supports areas of need identified in the development plan.

A curriculum that is responsive to a changing world:

  • A well resourced, rich curriculum which provides opportunities for both academic and non-academic excellence.
  • An environmentally responsible curriculum and ethos.
  • A strong multicultural curriculum embedded in the overall curriculum.
  • High value placed on participation in the arts and sport.
  • Enjoyable learning opportunities for creativity and problem solving.
  • A strong focus on the individual and Social and Emotional Aspects of Learning which are embedded in the curriculum.
  • An ICT rich, real and virtual environment in which ICT is used to enhance achievement.
  • A strong focus on the Healthy Schools curriculum and on healthy lifestyles.
  • Rich extra-curriculum activities.

Innovation driven by research and learning from others:

  • A strong focus on using educational research to inform innovation e.g. the resrearch of John Hattie which is currently informing pedagogy in the Trust's schools.
  • An outward looking approach to learning partnerships with other schools and organisations.
A supportive environment in which children are open to new experiences and feel able to take risks and celebrate mistakes as learning opportunities:

  • Inspirational, warm and passionate teachers who understand the importance of relationships in the classroom.
  • A strong focus on Growth Mindset for pupils, staff and parents which promotes and rewards effort, resilience and positive attitudes to learning.
  • A highly inclusive environment where every member of the school community is able to access learning and support.
  • A positive, physical and emotional learning environment which is safe and nuturing.
  • A focus for sustained extended school services and multi-agency support, all to support groups to achieve their potential.
  • A strong collaborative ethos within and between the staff, pupils and the wider community which manifests itself in team work, partnerships and learning with, and from, each other.